• Welcome to the payroll Office

    2025 TSA Limits are: $23,500 general + $7,500 (50+) 60-63 $11,250

Dept Home

The mission of the Payroll Department is to process accurate and timely payroll for all employees of Santa Rosa Junior College while maintaining compliance with IRS, Retirement, and Labor Laws as well as ensuring confidentiality, high ethical standards, trust, and providing excellent customer service to the unique needs of a diverse campus community.

The Payroll Department processes 24 payrolls per year for Faculty, Administration, Classified Staff, Student Employees, Associate Faculty, and STNC and Professional Expert employees.  It is also responsible to ensure compliance with IRS Regulations and Retirement Laws such as the 403(b) plan, IRC 125 plan, 457 plan, CalSTRS, CalPERS, STRS Cash Balance, Social Security, and Fidelity Investments.  In addition, the Payroll Department also processes payroll related general ledger transactions, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and payments for the District's LTD and Unemployment Insurance plans.  Payroll  produces all of the W2's and adjustments associated with accurate reporting of information.  The Payroll Department serves the students, faculty, staff, management and general public.

Our mailing address is: 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Fax: 707-522-2713

Campus Location:  1351 Bailey Hall 

In Person Office Hours: M-Th 9:00am - 4:00pm